Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here I Go Again!

Here I go, starting another blog when I have sorely neglected my first one! However, I simply had to find a place to record our thoughts on favorite books we've discovered. I will eventually review a variety of books, but for now my focus will be on books that boys like. Although Pete (age 7 1/2) LOVED being read to when he was little, he does not enjoy reading much now. I am always on the lookout for books that pique his interest.

Just a few notes about me to let you know where I'm coming from:

- I love books that are imaginative and well written, having complex characters, vivid language and fresh ideas.

- I understand that sometimes a main character from a book sins; in some cases this helps advance the plot. Indeed, a character who is perfect is usually one-dimensional and boring. My concern is how the sin is handled: Is there remorse or restitution? Does the character "get away with it"? Is he glad that he sinned because he got the results he was seeking?

- I don't have a problem with antagonistic characters sinning, as long as they are not cast in a favorable light. These characters are needed to create tension and can be a great contrast when the main character is shown doing the right thing.

- I don't enjoy books in which the main characters are disrespectful (especially to adults) or mouthy in general.

- Bathroom humor doesn't bother me. The way I see it, boys will be boys. I have a godly, Christian husband who has not uttered a swear word in his entire life, yet splits his sides laughing over anything involving the passing of gas.

- Swearing, especially the taking of the Lord's name in vain, DOES bother me. A lot. It's not so much that I'm a prude; I see it as unnecessary and the equivalent of trash being strewn about, spoiling the scenery.

That's about it. Hope you will find something helpful here!

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